J-1 Cultural Exchange
J-1 Summer Work and Travel
The Summer Work and Travel Program is up to four months of cultural exchange experience designed to foster cultural awareness, improve employment skills, and expose students to different lifestyles. You will be employed in any one of almost 100 occupations, from hotel and resort positions to theme park and restaurant jobs located throughout the United States. Just let us know what your preference is, and we will strive to accommodate you. You can work for the time designated and travel throughout the United States.

J-1 Summer Work and Travel Visa Program Requirements:
You must be enrolled in a 4-year full-time University or college.
You must be fairly proficient in English and capable of reading, writing, and speaking the English language by demonstration.
You must be between the ages of 18-28, be of good moral character with no criminal background, pass a personal interview test, and have sufficient financial support to be a candidate for our program.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to some of the finest talents from around the world who would love to work under your leadership.
As a United States Department of State designated sponsor for the Summer and Work Travel Program, Signature Services Corporation can fill your seasonal business needs with highly qualified professional employees for up to 4 months. Our program is designed to offer you International Students who are dedicated to learning American methods of leadership and management. You will benefit from their sincere desire to master American “know-how” in your chosen field while they first learn on-the-job skills at all levels available to them.
This is a very cost-effective way for you to strengthen your workforce, improve your productivity, and culturally enhance your organization. After their program is completed, the individuals return to their home country, where perhaps your business may have affiliated offices that could benefit from the experience you have provided.
Summer Work and Travel Application
Please complete the request form below.
Summer work and travel information request form
Select a category that applies and provide your contact information